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What Sets Us Apart?
Your home’s exterior material not only protects your house from outside elements,
but is also a factor in your home’s appearance, character, and value. Your exterior
may be covered in stucco, brick, and/or siding. If your siding is rotting, there
are many options to repair / replace the exterior covering of your home. You can
remove the siding and replace it with stucco, or replace the siding. According to
Remodeling Magazine’s 2015 “Cost vs. Value Report” vinyl siding recoups 80% of your
cost at resale of your home and fiber-cement siding returns 84%. Contact Leading
Edge Homes to discuss your siding replacement options based on your budget, maintenance
tolerance, and green priorities.
- Existing condition of exterior walls
- Type of exterior walls - wood, block
- Type of siding
- Vinyl is tough, durable, and widely available in many styles and colors. Color permeates
the material and won’t reveal nicks and scratches; however seams will show.
- Metal is insect- and fire-proof, and require little maintenance. However, dents are
- Fiber-cement, made from a mixture of wood fibers, Portland cement, clay, and sand,
is rugged and low maintenance. low maintenance, termite-proof, fire-resistant, and
doesn’t rot.